Pax Vobiscum!
... auf unserer Webseite.
Hier stellen wir Ihnen Informationen und Nachrichten zu unserer Kommende des Deutschen Ordens Anno 1300 zur Verfügung.Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Freude auf unserer Seite und stehen Ihnen per Kontaktformular gerne Rede und Antwort.
Komtur der Kommende Michel Petrus von Pomerania
Aktuell sind 19 Gäste online!
Representation / group name *
What do you represent Individual person Single person with entourage Entourage (Association/Community of Interests) *
first name *
name *
address *
Zip Code/ city *
Phone number *
Fax number
mobilphone number
e-Mail *
What do you represent (name of represantation)
Your represantation (Multiple answers possible) Peerage Nobility Gentry feudal lord knight squire man at arms other(please fill in the next field)
Do you take part at the tournament yes no
In which disciplines do you take part (multiple anouncment is possible) Fighter Archer
How many people are in your group
How many fighter
How many archer
Is a doctor/medic in your group yes no
Do you bring animals to the event? yes no
How many and of what kind:
Please describe your group/person in short words (500 Zeichen übrig)
Please describe your person/group in detail (10000 Zeichen übrig)
Did you need Accommodation yes no
Für jede Lagerkochstelle/Feuerstelle sind Feuerschalen zu verwenden, entsprechende Feuerlöscher sind bereit zu halten!!
For each fireplace / hearth fire shells are to be used, appropriate fire extinguishers are ready to keep !!
W przypadku każdego paleniska/ognia należy użyć misy na ogień oraz posiadać odpowiednią gaśnicę!
Sun sail / group tent (number and size in mtr.)
Cooking place (size in mtr.)
Special wishes of location: (255 Zeichen übrig)
Do your group plan performances?
Which kind?
We order wood straw hay
We get noticed of your event through (255 Zeichen übrig)
We find your event in internet under (255 Zeichen übrig)
With this registration I /we accept all regulations. Yes I / we accept the regulations. *